Friday, May 19, 2006

Wants - individual and social


There are individuals. Then there are individual wants. The problem arises because individuals’ wants overlap. When individuals’ wants overlap, the only way to avoid ‘war’ is to regulate individuals’ wants so that there is no overlapping. This task is the cause of the genesis, evolution and universalisation of the most inevitable entity of society – the government. Types of government may differ but their purpose is the same – streamlining individual rights so that they don’t overlap and be the cause for ‘war’. Government duties, thereby, are basically two – one, to lay down the law that ensures optimum harmony in society and two, to enforce those laws. We can say, therefore, that the most basic job of a government is to lay down laws to ensure harmony in society. To ensure harmony in society, these laws must necessarily be based on justice. Justice for all and prejudice towards none.

Because there is more than one individual in the world, a non-trespass mechanism has necessarily to be put in place. But if we are to understand anything about the justice of such a mechanism, we need first and foremost to understand the nature of the individual. And the best way to start studying the individual is to study oneself. This science of studying oneself is the well-known art of meditation, which leads to the greatest of man’s legacy – spiritualism. We of course, living millenniums after the first men walked on earth, have the benefit of mankind’s collective wisdom down the ages as our heritage and do not have to invent the wheel again. History has really to be the study of the wisdom - and follies - of the ages so that we can progress from wherever our forefathers reached. (Unfortunately today the teaching of history is often a means of spreading preconceived ideologies.) In fact the collective wisdom of the human race has to be collected, collated and taught to the succeeding generations so that humans progress on sanely lines. Man needs an overseeing body for this most important of man’s enterprise. This body is the sum-total of man’s educational institutions. And how elaborately have the subjects of education been taught over the generations – history, geography, science, maths, the languages, medical, engineering etc. etc.

What are our problems today? Largely, it is individual restlessness. It is this restlessness that is causing social tensions. A spiritual legacy already exists that tackles individual restlessness. This is to be found in the meditation technologies of the Hindu/Buddhist schools of India. Why aren’t the majority of men not turning to and benefiting from these meditation technologies? For an answer to this question, we have again to turn to a study of the nature of man? Even here, we have the legacy of the Hindu scriptures which talk of men being satvic, rajasik, tamasic and all that.

I say, are we being wrong with reality if we ask for a world of harmony where all men are angelic creatures? In other words, that all men are broad minded? But alas, the world is full of narrow minded men also and it appears such men will always be with us and wise men learns to live among them.

The question is, why hasn’t God made the world a paradise of angles? There would not have been evil men if He had not wanted them? So the question is, what is His plan?

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