Friday, May 19, 2006

Islamic catechism and a critique

I have the following query:

Why did Prophet Mohammad destroy idols in Mecca in the process of laying the foundation of Islam? Is this not contrary to the Quranic injunction: “You shall have your religion and I shall have my religion?”
The following is catechism on Islam. My critique is in [blue].

Most Common Questions asked by Non-Muslims
All religions basically teach followers to do good deeds. Why should a person only follow Islam? Can he not follow any of the religions?
1. Major difference between Islam and most other religions
All religions basically exhort mankind to be righteous and eschew evil. But Islam goes beyond that. It guides us towards practical ways of achieving righteousness and eliminating evil from our individual and collective lives [What’s so unique about it? All self-style teachers have always down through history been advising ‘practical ways of achieving righteousness and eliminating evil’.] Islam takes into account human nature and the complexities of human society [‘complexities of human society’ changes and in modern ages, it is a whole set of new complexities. But what provisions have Islam for it, for has it not frozen itself in the middle-age times of Prophet Mohammad?]. Islam is guidance from the Creator Himself [and Mohammad is the witness to it! The Muslims have a god who is not able to do the task and has to depend on Muslims to convince the world that Allah is the God!] Therefore, Islam is also called the Deen-ul-Fitrah (the natural religion of Man [not so natural, really – it has to be spread by the artificial device of the sword!]
2. Example - Islam commands us to shun robbery and also prescribes method of eleminating robbery
a. Islam prescribes method of eliminating robberyAll major religions teach that theft is an evil act. Islam teaches the same. So what is the difference between Islam and the other religions? The difference lies in the fact that Islam, besides teaching that robbing is evil, shows a practical way of creating a social structure in which people will not rob. [chop, chop – that’s the way. This is really the way of the autocratic king. Religion should seek to transform. Punishment is to be left to the realm of the king.]

b. Islam prescribes Zakaat Islam prescribes a system of Zakaat (obligatory annual charity) [another term for tax]. Islamic law prescribes that every person who has a saving that exceeds the nisaab level i.e. more than 85 grams of gold [what is the magic of this figure? Arbitary? Mystical? Or truly divine? In all probability the law-giver put a figure higher than his savings, so to escape the tax!], should give 2.5% of that saving every lunar year in charity. If every rich person in the world gave Zakaat sincerely, poverty will be eradicated from this world. [Give Zakaat to whom? Who is going to pass it on the poor or use it for development? How can you ensure there would not be corruption in reaching it to the poor? Is it not the bane of the world today – reaching tax money to those who really need it?] Not a single human being would die of hunger. [Who is lacking in ideal plans? If it were not for the oil, wouldn’t Muslims be the poorest people in the world today?]

c. Chopping off the hands as punishment for robberyIslam prescribes chopping off the hands of the convicted robber. The Glorious Qur’an says in Surah Maidah:"As to the thief, male or female, cut off his or her hands:a punishment by wayof example, from Allah, [verily, Allah is an exemplar in terror!] for their crime: and Allah is Exalted in power, full of wisdom. [is this not Mohammad praising Allah? Why does he go on praising God? If not the greatness of God an obvious fact? This is proof that he was preaching to dumb folks. Therefore you can come to your own conclusions about the level of the Quran.] [ Al-Qur’an 5:38]The non-Muslim may say, "Chopping off the hands in this 20th century. Islam is a barbaric and ruthless religion!"
d. Results achieved when Islamic Shariah ImplementedAmerica is supposed to be one of the most advanced countries in the world. Unfortunately it also has one of the highest rates of crime, theft, and robbery. Suppose the Islamic shariah is implemented in America i.e. every rich person gives Zakaat ( 2.5% of his savings in charity above 85 grams of gold every lunar year), and every convicted robber has his or her hands chopped off as a punishment. Will the rate of theft and robbery in America increase, remain same or decrease? Naturally it will decrease. Moreover the existence of such a stringent law would discourage many a potential robber. [The Muslims have a ideal republic in Guantanamo Bay prison!]
I agree that the amount of theft that takes place in the world today is so tremendous that if you chop off the hands of all the thieves, there will be tens of thousands of people whose hands will be chopped off. The point here is that the moment you implement this law the rate of theft will decline immediately. The potential robber would give it a serious thought before jeopardizing his limbs. [probably Allah knew that the threat of chopping off limbs would not frighten folks enough. That is why he has added the fear of hellfire in the hereafter to such folks! Or is the hellfire reserved only for the non-believers?] The mere thought of the punishment itself will discourage majority of the robbers. There will barely be a few who would rob. Hence only a few person’s hands would be chopped off but millions would live peacefully without fear of being robbed.
Islamic Shariah is therefore practical, and achieves results.
3. Example: Islam prohibits the molestation and rape of women [In spite of Islam’s prohibition, lots of rapes take place. Does this prove that Islam not all that influencial, which it ought to have been if it was really the word of God?] . It enjoins hijaab and prescribes capital punishment for a convicted rapist.
Islam prescribes method of eliminating molestation and rapeAll the major religions declare the molestation and rape of women as grave sins. Islam teaches the same. What then is the difference between Islam and the other religions? The difference lies in the fact that Islam does not merely preach respect for women, or abhor molestation and rape as serious crimes, but also gives clear guidance as to how society can eliminate such crimes. [lashes, stoneing, maybe also chop chop – you know what!]
Hijaab for menIslam has a system of hijaab. The Glorious Qur’an first mentions hijaab for the men and then for the women. Hijaab for the men is mentioned in the following verse:
"Say [oh Mohammad] to the believing [only to the believers? Are they to be made believers first and then taught this? Does Quran have a section to first make them believers? Of course, Islam has the swrod!] men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: [men guarding their modesty? I thought this physical modesty was a virtue of women. Or have men to be on guard against homos?] that will make for greater purity for them: and Allah is well acquainted with all that they do." [Al-Qur’an 24:30]
The moment a man looks at a woman and if any brazen or unashamed thought comes to his mind, he should lower his gaze. [look at the women, lower your gaze, so that the woman can be ‘informed’ what’s on his mind!]
Hijaab for womenHijaab for women is mentioned in the following verse:
"And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily [who decides what is ordinary?] appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands [to all the four of ‘em!], their fathers, their husbands’ fathers, their sons...."
[Al-Qur’an 24:31]
The extent of hijaab for a woman is that her complete body should be covered. The only part that can be seen, are the face [bruqa covers the face also, does it not?] and the hands up to the wrists. If they wish to cover, they can even cover these parts of the body. However some Islamic scholars insist that even the face should be covered [Scholars having a difference of opinion in spite of having the word of God to refer to? Obviously, the word of God lacks clarity!].
Hijaab prevents molestationThe reason why Allah has prescribed Hijaab for the women is given in the Qur’an in the folowing verse of Surah Al-Ahzab:
"O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women,that they should cast their outer garments over their persons (when abroad): that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, most Merciful."

[Al-Qur’an 33:59]
The Qur’an says that Hijaab has been prescribed for the women so that they are recognized as modest women this would prevent them from being molested.

Example of twin sistersSuppose two sisters who are twins and who are equally beautiful, walk down a street. One of them is wearing the Islamic Hijaab i.e. the complete body is covered except for the face and the hands up to the wrists, and the other twin is wearing a mini skirt or shorts. Around the corner there is a hooligan who is waiting for an opportunity to tease a girl. Who will he tease? The girl wearing the Islamic Hijaab or the girl wearing the mini skirt or shorts? Dresses that expose more than they conceal, are an indirect temptation to the opposite sex for teasing, molestation and rape. The Qur’an rightly says that the hijaab prevents women from being molested.
Capital punishment for rapistThe Islamic shariah prescribes capital punishment for a convicted rapist. The non-Muslim may be horrified at such a stringent punishment in this age. Many accuse Islam of being ruthless and barbaric. I have asked a common question to hundreds of non-Muslim men. Suppose God-forbid, some one rapes your wife, your mother or your sister and you are made the judge. The rapist is brought in front of you. What punishment would you give him? All of them said, "we would put him to death." Some went to the extent of saying, "we would torture him to death", If your wife or your mother is raped you want the rapist to be put to death. But if someone else’s wife or mother is raped, capital punishment is a barbaric law. Why the double standards?
U.S.A. has one of the highest rate of RapeThe United States of America is supposed to be one of the most advanced countries of the world. An F.B.I report in the year 1990 says that 1,02,555 cases of rape were reported. It further says that only 16% of the cases of rapes are reported. Thus, in order to know the actual number of rapes that took place in 1990, the reported figure should be multiplied by 6.25. We get a total of 6,40,968 rape cases that took place in the year 1990. If the total is divided by 365 the number of days in a year, we get an average of 1,756 rape incidents everyday.
Later another report said that an average of 1900 cases of rape are committed in U.S.A every day. According to National Crime Victimization Survey Bureau of Justice Statistics (U. S. Dept. of Justice) in 1996 alone 3,07,000 cases of rape were reported. Only 31% of the actual cases of rape were reported. Thus, 3,07,000 X 3.226 = 9,90,322 rapes took place in 1996. That is, an average of 2,713 cases of rape took place everyday in America in 1996. Every 32 seconds one rape is taking place in America. Maybe American rapists got bolder. The FBI report of 1990 continues and says that out of the rape cases that were reported only 10% of the rapist were arrested, that is only 1.6% of the actual rapes committed. Out of those arrested, 50% were let free before the trial. This would mean that only 0.8% of the rapists faced a trial. In other words if a person commits 125 rapes the chances that he will get a punishment for rape is only once. Many would consider this a good gamble. And the report says that of those people who faced trial 50% received sentences of less than a year’s imprisonment though the American law says rape carries a seven year sentence of imprisonment. For a rapist, the judge is lenient to first time offenders. Imagine a person commits 125 rapes and the chances of being convicted is only once, and 50% of the time the judge will grant leniency and give a sentence of less than a year!
Results achieved when Islamic Shariah ImplementedSuppose the Islamic shariah is implemented in America. Whenever a man looks at a woman and if any brazen or unashamed thought comes to his mind, he lowers his gaze. Every woman wears the Islamic Hijaab, that is the complete body is covered except the face and the hands upto the wrists. After this if any man commits rape, he gets capital punishment. The question is, will the rate of rape in America increase, will it remain the same or will it decrease? Naturally it will decrease. Islamic Shariah gets results.
4. Islam has Practical Solutions for the Problems of Mankind
Islam is the best way of life because its teachings are not doctrinaire rhetoric but practical solutions for the problems of mankind. Islam achieves results both at the individual and collective levels. Islam is the best way of life because it is a practical, universal religion not confined to any ethnic group or nationality.
Most Common Questions asked by Non-Muslims
When Islam is against idol worship why do the Muslims worship, and bow down to the Kaaba in their prayer?
Kaaba is the Qibla i.e. the direction Muslims face during their prayers. It is important to note that though Muslims face the Kaaba during prayers, they do not worship the Kaaba. Muslims worship and bow to none but Allah.
It is mentioned in Surah Baqarah:
"We see the turning of thy face (for guidance) to the heavens: now shall We turn thee to a Qiblah that shall please thee. Turn then thy face in the direction of the Sacred Mosque: wherever ye are, turn your faces in that direction." [Al-Qur’an 2:144]
1. Islam believes in fostering unity
For instance, if Muslims want to offer Salaah (Prayer), it is possible that some may wish to face north, while some may wish to face south. In order to unite Muslims in their worship of the One True God, Muslims, wherever they may be, are asked to face in only one direction i.e. towards the Kaaba. If some Muslims live towards the west of the Kaaba they face the east. Similarly if they live towards the east of the Kaaba they face the west.
2. Kaaba is at the Centre of the World Map
The Muslims were the first people to draw the map of the world. They drew the map with the south facing upwards and north downwards. The Kaaba was at the centre. Later, western cartographers drew the map upside down with the north facing upwards and south downwards. Yet, Alhamdullilah the Kaaba is at the centre of the world map.
3. Tawaaf around Kaaba for indicating one God
When the Muslims go to Masjid-e-Haram in Makkah, they perform tawaaf or circumambulation round the Kaaba. This act symbolizes the belief and worship of One God, since, just as every circle has one centre, so also there is only one Allah (swt) worthy of worship.
4. Hadith of Umar (may Allah be pleased with him)
Regarding the black stone, hajr-e-aswad, there is a hadith (tradition), attributed to the illustrious companion of the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh), Umar (may Allah be pleased with him).
According to Sahih Bukhari, Volume 2, book of Hajj, chapter 56, H.No. 675. Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said, "I know that you are a stone and can neither benefit nor harm. Had I not seen the Prophet (pbuh) touching (and kissing) you, I would never have touched (and kissed) you".
5. People stood on Kaaba and gave the adhaanAt the time of the Prophet, people even stood on the Kaaba and gave the ‘adhaan’ or the call to prayer. One may ask those who allege that Muslims worship the Kaaba; which idol worshipper stands on the idol he worships?
Most Common Questions asked by Non-Muslims
When all the Muslim follow one and the same Qur’an then why are there so many sects and different schools of thoughts among Muslims?
1. Muslims Should be United
It is a fact that Muslims today, are divided amongst themselves. The tragedy is that such divisions are not endorsed by Islam at all. Islam believes in fostering unity amongst its followers.
The Glorious Qur’an says:
"And hold fast,All together, by the ropeWhich Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves;" [Al-Qur’an 3:103]
Which is the rope of Allah that is being referred to in this verse? It is the Glorious Qur’an. The Glorious Qur’an is the rope of Allah which all Muslims should hold fast together. There is double emphasis in this verse. Besides saying ‘hold fast all together’ it also says, ‘be not divided’.
Qur’an further says,
"Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger" [Al-Qur’an 4:59]
All the Muslim should follow the Qur’an and authentic Ahadith and be not divided among themselves.
2. It is Prohibited to make sects and divisions in Islam
The Glorious Qur’an says:
"As for those who divideTheir religion and break upInto sects, thou hastNo part in them in the least:Their affair is with Allah:He will in the end Tell them the truthOf all that they did." [Al-Qur’an 6:159]
In this verse Allah (swt) says that one should disassociate oneself from those who divide their religion and break it up into sects.
But when one asks a Muslim, "who are you?", the common answer is either ‘I am a Sunni, or ‘I am a Shia’. Some call themselves Hanafi, or Shafi or Maliki or Humbali. Some say ‘I am a Deobandi’, while some others say ‘I am a Barelvi’.
3. Our Prophet was a Muslim
One may ask such Muslims, "Who was our beloved prophet (pbuh)? Was he a Hanafi or a Shafi, or a Humbali or a Maliki?" No! He was a Muslim, like all the other prophets and messengers of Allah before him.
It is mentioned in chapter 3 verse 52 of Al-Qur’an that Jesus (pbuh) was a Muslim.
Further, in chapter 3 verse 67, Al-Qur’an says that Ibrahim (pbuh) was not a Jew or a Christian but was a Muslim.
4. Qur’an says call yourselves Muslim
a. If anyone poses a Muslim the question who are you, he should say "I am a MUSLIM, not a Hanafi or a Shafi". Surah Fussilat chapter 41 verse 33 says"Who is better in speechThan one who calls (men)To Allah, works righteousness,And says, ‘I am of thoseWho bow in Islam (Muslim)?’ " [Al-Qur’an 41:33]The Qur’an says "Say I am of those who bow in Islam". In other words, say, "I am a Muslim".
b. The Prophet (pbuh) dictated letters to non-Muslim kings and rulers inviting them to accept Islam. In these letters he mentioned the verse of the Qur’an from Surah Ali Imran chapter 3 verse 64:Say ye: "Bear witnessThat we (at least)Are Muslims (bowingTo Allah’s Will)." [Al-Qur’an 3:64]
5. Respect all the Great Scholars of Islam
We must respect all the great scholars of Islam, including the four Imaams, Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Shafi, Imam Humbal and Imam Malik (may Allah be pleased with them all). They were great scholars and may Allah reward them for their research and hardwork. One can have no objection if someone agrees with the views and research of Imam Abu Hanifa or Imam Shafi, etc. But when posed a question, ‘who are you?’, the reply should only be ‘I am a Muslim’.
Some may argue by quoting the hadith of our beloved Prophet from Sunan Abu Dawood Hadith No. 4579. In this hadith the prophet (pbuh) is reported to have said, "My community will be split up into seventy-three sects."
This hadith reports that the prophet predicted the emergence of seventy-three sects. He did not say that Muslims should be active in dividing themselves into sects. The Glorious Qur’an commands us not to create sects. Those who follow the teachings of the Qur’an and Sahih Hadith, and do not create sects are the people who are on the true path.
According to Tirmidhi Hadith No. 171, the prophet (pbuh) is reported to have said, "My Ummah will be fragmented into seventy-three sects, and all of them will be in Hell fire except one sect." The companions asked Allah’s messenger which group that would be. Where upon he replied, "It is the one to which I and my companions belong."
The Glorious Qur’an mentions in several verses, "Obey Allah and obey His Messenger". A true Muslim should only follow the Glorious Qur’an and the Sahih Hadith. He can agree with the views of any scholar as long as they conform to the teachings of the Qur’an and Sahih Hadith. If such views go against the Word of Allah, or the Sunnah of His Prophet, then they carry no weight, regardless of how learned the scholar might be.
If only all Muslims read the Qur’an with understanding and adhere to Sahih Hadith, Inshallah most of these differences would be solved and we could be one united Muslim Ummah

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