Friday, September 21, 2007

Advani, soldier of Hindutva

There is talk in newspapers about Advani once again taking the reins of BJP. While there will be no replacement of Rajnath Singh, Advani indeed needs to be the face of BJP once again. Except for the 'Jinnah fiasco', Advani has been an impeccable leader. Even the Jinnah episode was a misplaced one due to the unexpected immaturity shown by some leaders of the Sangha Parivar itself. Advani had only pointed out to the Pakistanis the secularism advised by Jinnah to his compatriots in the Pakistani Constituent Assembly. Which was such an irony, coming from a man who had just partitioned a nation on the basis of religion. Advani wanted eyes to open in Jinnah's own bastion. But some twisted reporting by the Indian media suggested that Advani was championing the arch villian of partition. The impluse of all who know Advani should have been to doubt such reports, but some of our own leaders preferred to go by newspaper reports and even went to the extent of calling Advani a traitor. The great man he is, Advani bore it all, without even once going for an ugly rukus over the issue within the Sangha Parivar. Thanks to his maturity, he saved Sangha from schisms over personality clashes.
Sangha no doubt must have gone over the whole episode dispassionately and concluded that Advani was more wronged than wrong. Hence, his deserving rehabilitation.
Carry on, soldier of Hindutva - we are with you.


ஜயராமன் said...

Your plugging of Advani is hilarious.

What Advani said in Pakistan is very well exactly studied and analyzed. Then only VHP and Sangh came to a conclusion that this man is clearly an opportunistic and turn-coat.

If a man, with so many years of training in RSS idelogy, can go and say that Jinnah was secular, which even Congress will not accept, then he is the biggest turncoat.

He did not simply "point out" the speech of Jinnah in the assembly as you put it. He praised him and said Jinnah's model needs to be emulated.

Also, It is also hilarious how you talk about he defending Hindutva. His reaction on this scounderal Karunanidhi's remarks (of Ram being a drunkard) is meek. He simply stabs Hindu organizations in the back by his meek response. BJP is always betraying the Hindu cause with their wishy-washy attitude and soft-appeasement attitude towards minorities.

Venu said...

Dear Jay,

The only thing in Advani's Pakistan trip that I thought was amiss was when he said that Akhand Bharath was no longer a valid concept. Particularly so when the concept of a confederation has been brandied about in the context of SAARC. But if we remember that he was speaking to the Pakistanis, he obviously took into consideration the fact that the Pakistanis were not ready for the Akhand Bharath concept. So even if he made a mistake, he made a mistake on the side of caution. Apart from this, I do not think he compromised on Sangha's position in any way. Jinnah is no doubt a cursed figure. But since he decided to go to Pakistan (a fallout of Vajpayee's decision to be friendly with Pakistan - which if successful would only lead to the dilution of Pakistan's rigid religious identity), he must have racked his mind to say something positive about Jinnah and he recalled what Swami Ranganathanandaji told him about Jinnah's forgotten speech. So he, somewhat cunningly, I must say, quoted it. I do not think he gave Jinnah any certificate of secularism.

The case of giving a dog a bad name and hanging it almost destroyed Advani. It is no doubt the character he formed in the Shakas of the RSS that stood him in good stead. If he is given the opportunity to lead the BJP again, no doubt he will be totally vindicated in the eyes of all swayamsevaks.