Monday, May 15, 2006

Restless mind

Restless mind

We act to fulfil our desires. However, whatever be the desire sought to be fulfilled through whichever motivated action, unbeknownst to us, we are actully only seeking to fulfil our underlying desire of calming of our restless mind. Unfortunately, our restlessness is not calmed by any action. If action cannot calm our restless mind, what can?

To get the answer, we have to know what makes our mind restless. Is restlessness the true nature of the mind? No. What causes a restless mind is our sense of incompleteness. We ever feel something is lacking. The natural question is, what is lacking? It appears this is the question we are born to answer, in more ways than one.

We imagine by doing this or getting that we would end our lack because we see only into the immediate vicinity and imagine that our lack is material. Actually, our lack is caused by ignorance, which supposes we have a lack, remedial this way or that. But the truth is we have no lack. We are complete. We feel negatively only because we are not in communion with our soul, wherein we shall experience the fullness of our being.

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