Tuesday, May 16, 2006



What was the need for the BJP (or Vajpayee, if you will) to rake up Gujarat after the elections? I think we have to get to the very depths of the problem. Let’s start from Sangha. Why, let’s go even deeper and start from the shakha itself. What the shakha is meant to do is to create the swayamsevak, the proponent of Hindutva. Along with the vision of Hindutva, shakha imbues swayamsevaks with sufficient emotion and discipline to convert the vision of Hindutva into the reality of Hindu Rashtra or Bharat Vaibhav. Having being thus imbued, the world’s a stage for the swayamsevak. For that’s the whole purpose. Handsome is handsome does. Thus fortified, the swayamsevaks ‘enter’ into the various fields and facets of life, to bring forth the vision of Sangha therein.

Among other fields, swayamsevaks have entered into the field of politics. Now, fifty years on, how much of Sangha vision have they brought to bear in the field of politics? Or at least, how reflective of Sangha vision is their chosen vehicle, the BJP?

Is the aim of the BJP to win political power? Or is it to suffuse the political field with the vision of Hindutva? Is it possible for the BJP to suffuse the political field with Hindutva unless it wins political power? I think political power must be reflective of Hindutva power and not a means to suffice the field with Hindutva. For Hindutva cannot come out of political power. Hindutva is from below to top and cannot be from top to bottom.

Therefore the BJP enthusiasts who want to keep Modi out of the Maharashtra campaign so that Hindutva does not stand in the way of power is only standing the vision of Sangha on its head.

But one thing I must realise about Sangha. While Sangha’s ideal has been spelt out by Doctorji himself and since it is the vision of Hindutva, the ideal is eternal and is free to be possessed by whoever wishes to possess it. But the strategy of Sangha would ever be decided only by its ahdikaris, and the case of BJP is one of strategy, we have to leave the last word to the Adhikaris.

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