Friday, May 19, 2006

Incitation and Traitorism - the fallout of the Mohammad cartoons

The following is a petition by Muslim leaders of Denmark to fellow Muslims in the Middle-East seeking to incite them against the Cartoons of Mohammed. A fine example of being disloyal to one's own country for a higher cause! My comments are in [red].
In the name of God the merciful
Thanks to God, the ruler of the worlds, and may peace be with the last prophet, etc....
We, Muslims living in the kingdom of Denmark, we present our conditions in this country, which is situated in the northern part of Europe, and is one of the Scandinavian countries, to whom it may concern and to each and every Muslim.
This country has it own language. The rule is constitutional Monarchy. The country consists of a number of islands, the capital is Copenhagen, the number of citizens is 5 million and most of them are Protestants (Christian). Even though they belong to the Christian faith, secularization has overcome them, and if you say that they are all infidels [to be secular means to be an infidel!], then you are not wrong.
Muslim immigrants (Turks) and refugees from countries crushed by wars (Bosnia, Somalia, Iraq, Lebanon) have migrated to this country, and thus is Denmark’s interaction with foreigners, and especially those who have other religions, something rather new, which has happened in the past 20-30 years, well knowing, the number of Muslims is possibly 170,000.
The faithful in their religion (Muslims) suffer under a number of circumstances, first and foremost the lack of official recognition of the Islamic faith [they require that the Islamic faith be recognised, all in its pomp and glory, while Muslim states do not do that with other religions.]. This has lead to a lot of problems, especially the lack of the right to build mosques, [no right to build Churches in Muslim countries] so they (Muslims) have had to convert old businesses and storage areas to places of worship.
Among these conditions you find an atmosphere, which nourishes a growing racism, the expression of which grew worse after the 9/11 incidents. And it (the racism) has many different expressions, but common to them all is that they speak badly about Islam [what appreciation have Muslims of freedom of speech?]. (Sometimes there is talk of the veil, circumcising, or about the sicknesses caused by the prayer etc.)
The crown of these acts are the pictures and so-called drawings which show the prophet (PBUH) in a disgusting and outrageous way [you mean ‘depicting’ the prophet, as you can’t show someone who has not been historically seen]. The circumstances of this case is, that after many artists, out of fear of Muslim reactions [speaks of the reputation the Muslims have of being an intolerent lot], declined to draw the prophet for the cover of a book about Islam, this made the responsible persons in Jyllands-Posten resist the artists' reluctance to this task, and in the wish to challenge the feelings of Muslims, they used freedom of speech as basis in the so-called democracy, and took over this task, and took it on their shoulders. The paper wrote to 40 cartoonists and challenged them to compete about the best drawing. Most of them did not respond, and only 12 did. Next they (the paper) published these drawings (the edition from 30 September 2005). The pictures were accompanied by the editor's commentary, which in short was that Muslims should accept this kind of satire, since this is one of the cornerstones in democracy, which ensures freedom of speech [This is good advice to Muslims, sort of educating them to the values of a free and democratic society.]. They (Muslims) are consequently required not to be offended by this, like all others (also) subject to ridicule.
Because of the seriousness of the situation, most Muslim unions and centers called for a meeting on Sunday 2 October, and agreed upon a number of measures to counter this hard attack, which had the intention of degrading the most glorious of persons in life (the Prophet, PBUH).
The gathered agreed on forming a committee for support of the prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and appoint Sheikh Rais Huleihil to chairman of the committee.
The criticism of what had been said in the paper, was represented by a statement of one of the wise (theologians), which was translated to Danish, but they only communicated a few scattered fragments of it.
(continued from previous page) (This translation is based on a secondary translation through Danish. A better translation is needed)
A call to Muslims to participate in addressing the newspaper, each in his own way, and to the media at hand, to tell them that this cause represents a red line for all Muslims, and not only the wise.
A direct demand for an apology from the newspaper, and a promise that this never happens again, and in the future (the newspaper) will respect what is holy to the Muslims.
A collection of signatures among Muslims against the newspaper's actions on one side. And furthermore for support of the initiatives of the Muslim unions to counterattack this and similar attacks.
A dispatch of letters to political persons and the active political parties, to inform them of the seriousness of the situation, and win their support.
Contact local and global media, especially since they've ignored the issue so far.
When we did not get any response from the responsible persons at the paper, and after the (Danish) Prime Minister deliberately ignored the wish of the Islamic ambassadors for a meeting with him, we called for a second meeting on 9 October 2005, from which a statement was issued to local and global media.
After the al-Djazira network had broadcasted this news, the newspaper stepped up the conflict by assigning a special corner of its webpage, with the headline "The images of the prophet". The newspaper wrote, very unusually, an article in Arabic with the headline "The free word", and presented what al-Djazira had broadcasted, but insisted on its (own) standpoint, and increased the number of pages covering this subject, and so those supporting the newspaper could take part, given that they presented the case freedom versus repression.
Among the noteworthy developments is the support of the European Union to the position of the Danish Prime Minster about not meeting the Muslim ambassadors, since he will not interfere in what their laws guarantee as freedom of expression, such as required (by the ambassadors).
With this foundation, the Islamic organizations issued a second statement, which demanded the intervention of the Muslim world, now that the issue had become international, and because issues relating to the Prophet (PBUH) not only relate to Danish Muslims, but to Muslims around the world, because it can not be allowed if we accept an insult of our prophet, no matter the slogan or excuse.
The case was dealt with at head-of-state level in Muslim world, and these clearly referred to the topic of the concluding statement.
Several conditions increased our pain and torment:
1. The ridicule of Islam and its followers has become an easily distributed commodity, when an almost extinct newspaper published images stronger and more offending on 11 November, probably to regain its popularity; this paper is "Weekendavisen".
2. Muslims received during this period of time - most notably those taking part in the actual protest against the images - letters whose tone differed between direct threats and mockery of Islam itself through attacks on the Qu'ran, when these people claimed that it was a fabrication, and they took part in the attack on the Prophet (PBUH) by sending animated images, that were stronger and fiercer, and which come from a deep hatred of Islam as a religion.
3. Denmark received the Dutch author of Somali decent, who is the author of the film that degrades Islam, and whose producer was killed recently in Holland. The reception for her was consequently a continuation of the confrontation, particularly since she gave an interview to Danish television in which she talked about Islam in a degrading way. And the strange thing is, that the Prime Minister, who had rejected meeting with the ambassadors, received her and presented her with an award, like he stated that he appreciated her brave position and her free opinions. So now you see how it is...
(continued from previous page) This is why the organizations again called an urgent meeting, in which it was decided to create delegations, who could visit the Islamic world with the intent of informing them about the danger of the situation and make them take part in the defense and support of our prophet (PBUH).
Our delegations visited the Republic of Egypt, and held a number of good and very positive meetings:
A meeting with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, whose minister stated to the press, that this insult of Islam from the Danish press was a scandal, and promised to take up the matter at the Islamic Conference and with the Arab League.
A meeting with the general secretary for the Arabic League, which was characterized by much support.
A meeting with the sheik of al-Azhar, who reacted to the issue, and demanded an urgent meeting at the al-Azhar research center, to stop this attack.
A meeting with Egypt's Grand Mufti, resulting in the issuing of a fatwa about boycotting Denmark, if the country did not retract this outrageous action.
A representative of the delegation attended the meeting at the research center on Thursday 8 December 2005, which resulted in a declaration clearly condemning this act, which was described as an attack breaking all limits for acceptable communication and good tone in the dialogue. This declaration made it clear, that they would turn to the relevant committees of the United Nations and to human rights organizations, in the defense of the rights of the individual, and the protection of cultural diversity, by so doing, they reject the culture of hatred and the demise of other people.
Ultimately, we call for everyone eager and vigilant [the word can also mean careful, translator's note] to join the defense and support of the prophet. Seeking by all means available to establish legislation, which guarantees respect for everything holy and particularly for Muslim holy places at a time when it has become easy to hit these holy places in the guise of the fight against terror.
Page 5, Photocopy from Jyllands-Posten, 30 September 2005

Page 5
Translation from Danish:
(left side): "The Many Faces of Muhammad. Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten has asked members of the Danish association of newspaper cartoonists to draw Muhammad as they see him. 12 out of 40 replied, and we are printing them under their own names".
(Right side): "The modern secular society is rejected by some Muslims. They demand a special position, when they insist that special care is taken not to offend their own religious feelings. This is incompatible with a secular democracy and freedom of expression, where one must be prepared to face scorn or ridicule".
Pages 6 and 7, Jyllands-Posten editorial (30 September 2005) / article (29 September 2005)
Jyllands-Posten editorial from the day the cartoons were published, 30 September 2005.

Page 6
The Threat from the Dark
The Muslims that represent the broad image of Islam in public - hopefully there is a large, silent and more reasonable majority - but the Muslims that do represent Islam in public have one common characteristic: a gigantic feeling of their own importance. [the first line is poorly written in Danish as well, translator's note].
Such a pompousness leads to an almost morbid hypersensitivity towards any kind of opposition, which is presented as a provocation.
A provocation against one of these pompous imams or mad mullahs is immediately presented as a provocation towards the Holy Book, the Qu'ran, and then the trouble [really] begins.
This is when the Islamic spiritual leaders start crying out and, as a consequence, a host of spiritually less knowledgeable persons [non-theologians] immediately feel they have an obligation to follow what is presented as the teachings of the prophet, and ultimately murder the offenders.
As described in this day's edition of the Culture Section, the latest example of the intimidation from representatives of a dark and violence-marked Middle Age is a leading art gallery removing a work of art, fearing that it might offend Muslims. Translators of books critical to Islam choose to remain anonymous, fearing that they might offend Muslims. Danish illustrators reject illustrating a book about Islam, fearing that they might offend Muslims. A comedian states in public that he dare not make fun of the Qu'ran on television; he is afraid of offending Muslims. And so on ...
It would be nice to cast this fear aside as foolishness and paranoia, but a Dutch moviemaker has been murdered because he offended Muslims. A Copenhagen professor has been beaten up by no-good students, because he read aloud [to them] from the Qu'ran, and his students considered this to be a grave provocation. [The professor is non-Muslim. Translator's note.] That was why these lunatics believed that they had the right to beat him up and intimidate him.
Around the world, satire is made in movies, on the stage, and in books, but no-one dares make fun of Islam. That's because a bunch of imams and mullahs, who feel that they [hold the key to] interpreting the words of the Prophet, do not tolerate the insult it is to be mocked by intelligent satire.
Participants [a number of these imams] in the Prime Minister's recent meeting at [his residence] Marienborg, recently made a public demand that the PM should impose censorship of the press and outlaw everything which could be considered to offend Islam.
The Western societies, still dominated by a politically correct fear of confrontation with these voices from a Dark Age, is at increasing pains to find new excuses and explanations [for the situation].
The most disturbing part of this situation is that we are even being forced to discuss a world view that we in the West left during the Age of Enlightenment.
This country's Muslim spiritual guides use a lot of words trying to talk about something else when they are confronted with e.g. violent Islamic rhetoric.
When this happens, it [the rhetoric] suddenly has no meaning at all in a modern society. [Now] we [suddenly] have to see this in a historical context, which naturally has no relevancy at all in today's Denmark; and they point out that Islam is a religion of love and understanding.
If one asks a more direct question regarding those passages in the Qu'ran, which now [apparently] have more or less obscure meanings, they [the imams] become faint and unclear in their speech. And they keep repeating that the Qu'ran is the Prophet's Word and must be read literally in all respects.
The fact that the Prophet has only expressed himself verbally, and that the written sources were written by second, third, or even fourth hand sources generations later, is of no importance to a clergy, profiling itself by its monopoly of the interpretation [of the Qu'ran].
It would be a blessing if the great majority of Muslims, whose highest wish must be to live in peace and harmony with their neighbors, would eventually start opposing this stubborn clinging on to a dark past.

Page 7
Article by Flemming Rose, Jyllands-Posten 29 September 2005 (the day before the cartoons were published). (page 7, bottom):
Freedom of Speech.
Comedian Frank Hvam recently declared that he "dare not make fun of the Qu'ran on television". A cartoonist, whose job is to depict the prophet Muhammad in a children's book, wishes to remain anonymous. So do West European translators of a collection of essays critical of Islam.
A leading museum of art removes a work of art fearing how Muslims may react. In this season, [Danish] theaters show three different plays with biting satire towards the US president, George W. Bush, but not a single one about Osama bin Laden and his allies, and during a meeting with Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, an imam urged the government to take action against Danish media and force them to present a more positive image of Islam. The examples mentioned above are calls for concern, whether the perceived fear rests on a false basis or not. The fact is that it exists, and it leads to self-censorship. An intimidation of the public space takes place. Artists, writers, cartoonists, translators, and theatre people consequently avoid dealing with the most important meeting of cultures in our time, between Islam and the secular, Western societies rooted in Christianity.
The modern secular society is rejected by some Muslims. They demand a special position, when they insist that special care is taken to protect their own religious feelings. This is incompatible with a secular democracy and freedom of expression, in which everybody must be ready to face scorn, ridicule, and humiliation. It is certainly not always sympathetic or nice to look at, and it does not mean that religious feelings should be ridiculed, no matter the cost. But this is a minor point in this case.
It is consequently not a coincidence that people in totalitarian societies are thrown in jail for telling jokes or depicting dictators in a critical way. This usually happens with the excuse that the work offends the feelings of the people. Denmark has still not gone this far, but the examples mentioned above show that we're heading towards a slippery slope, where no one can predict what the result will be of this self-censorship.
Twelve cartoonists
For this reason, Jyllands-Posten has urged members of the Association of Danish Cartoonists to draw Muhammad as they see him. Twelve out of around 40 replied and we're bringing their cartoons here on this page, under their own names. They are: Arne Sørensen, Poul Erik Poulsen (PEP), Rasmus Sand Høyer, Erik Abild Sørensen, Franz Füchsel, Peder Bundgaard, Bob Katzenelson, Annette Carlsen, Lars Refn, Jens Julius Hansen, Claus Seidel, and Kurt Westergaard.
Only 25 out of the 40 are actively working in their profession, and some of the others are subject to a clause in their contracts forbidding them to work for competitors. A few have argued for why they rejected this task, others have said that a large workload is the cause for not joining, while others have not replied at all.
Page 8 and 9, Letter from Sheikh Raeed Hlayhel

Page 8

Page 9
Translation from Arabic:
Pages 10-17, Photocopies of 11 of the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons

Page 10

Page 11

Page 12

Page 13

Page 14

Page 15

Page 16

Page 17
Further information: Jyllands-Posten_Muhammad_cartoons_controversy
Photocopies of 11 of the 12 Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons. The image missing shows Muhammad with a sable - his eyes blacked out - accompanied by two women dressed in Muslim clothes. This image is already on page 5 of the dossier.
Page 18, Letter to Ambassadors from the Islamisk Trossamfund

Page 18
(This translation is based on a second-hand translation from the Danish translation published in "Ekstra Bladet". [11] A better translation is needed) Letterhead: Islamic Society of Scandinavia. Fundamental services for immigrants.
Date: XX(blank) October 2005, Copenhagen
To: His Excellence (blank) ambassador of the country (blank)
In the name of God the merciful
God's peace and blessings ...
Regarding caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
On behalf of our (Muslim) population segment, we seek to inform you that, during the end of September 2005, Jyllands-Posten - which is the Danish newspaper with the biggest circulation - published fantasy drawings of the person of the Prophet (PBUH) in the newspaper's culture section (a copy of the article is enclosed.)
This happened in connection with the promotion of a book, which has recently been published, and which contains these inappropriate cartoons, which are most strongly rejected by Islamic Shari'a laws, likewise its rejection of attacks on Islamic sanctuaries.
The newspaper attempts to utilize the tense situation in the world, and the campaigns to fight terrorism to limit the circulation of Muslim opinions and to make these abstain from protesting, out of fear that they (Muslims) be attributed opposition to democracy and calls for terror, in the case when a sharp reaction might occur.
A great assembly of Islamic unions and centers have communicated with each other and agreed to take a number of steps, on level with the importance of this event, and appropriate for our meager resources in a context in which the press enjoys unlimited freedom to speak about Islam and Muslims as it sees fit.
It is in this situation, that we turn to the diplomatic delegations in Denmark, representing the Islamic countries in Denmark to the Danish government; we urge them to communicate this account of the regrettable situation and this population segment's indignation and irritation to their governments and to the relevant authorities in their countries with the needed haste, to at least express their protests, and likewise - such that the relationship between Islam and the West does not continue into a dark tunnel with no end and not serving any cause - while the negative obstacles increase for all parties.
We hope that this important question may receive what it deserves of your attention. Receive our thanks and respect. God's peace.
On behalf of the coordination committee
Pages 19-20, Letter to ministers/organization from the Islamisk Trossamfund

Page 19

Page 20
(This translation is based on a second-hand translation from the Danish translation published in "Ekstra Bladet". [12] A better translation is needed)
Letterhead: Islamic Society of Scandinavia. Fundamental services for immigrants.
Date: XX(blank) October 2005, Copenhagen
To: (blank) minister/head of/organization
Regarding the fantasy drawings of the Prophet of Islam - Newspaper Jyllands-Posten - September 2005.
The Muslim population segment in Denmark sees no other course than presenting our protests to those responsible and to the relevant authorities regarding the publication of a collection of inappropriate caricatures of the person of Islam's Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by the newspaper Jyllands-Posten, since everybody knows that the Muslim peoples still adhere to the sanctity and insist on it for both God and for His Book, the Qu'ran, and for its messenger Muhammad (PBUH) despite of the world encompassing distribution of secular forms of political government.
We call your attention to this case, and places it in your hands, in such a way that we together may think and have an objective dialogue regarding how an appropriate exit can be found for these crises in a way which does not violate the freedom of speech, but which at the same time likewise does not offend the feelings of Muslims either. In this context, (we) note the following:
1 - Muslim immigrants came voluntarily to this country and enjoyed its excellent services/facilities, and they know of the country's secular foundation and its democratic values, and they live with this reality in the best of ways. In the same way, they sought and received citizenship completely by their own free request.
2 - Muslims are eager to integrate in this society and they take every opportunity in word and deed to stress this eagerness within the official frame of cultural diversity, peaceful co-existence, and mutual respect. This is why it is difficult for Muslims to understand or accept any form of behavior, which can obstruct or damage the question of integration, no matter the source of this behavior.
3 - The legal and political understanding of the intellectual immigrants, make them appreciate the public and civil liberties such as the freedom of religion and freedom of speech, but in a way which is appropriate for the level of development of civilization in the western countries, and which likewise secures the permanence of order and good manners. Precedents illustrate this such as the episode in which the European Union pressured Austria into rejecting the inclusion of Jörn Haider's political party in its cabinet; like it is seen in the recent actions by the British government which warns Muslim preachers of as much as commending any Muslim which might be associated with terror, and by this means the preachers will be held legally accountable in the form of a charge for inciting of terror.
4 - We urge you to - on the behalf of thousands of believing Muslims - to give us the opportunity of having a constructive contact with the press and particularly with the relevant decision makers, not briefly, but with a scientific methodology and a planned and long-term program seeking to make views approach each other and remove misunderstandings between the two parties involved. Since we do not wish for Muslims to be accused of being backward and narrow, likewise we do not wish for Danes to be accused of ideological arrogance either. When this relationship is back on its track, the result will bring satisfaction, an underpinning of security and the stable relations, and a flourishing Denmark for all that live here. Humanity is today faced with a large list of challenges starting with the pollution of the environment and natural disasters, and ending with the AIDS epidemic. Between these: narcotics, unemployment, organized crime etc. In these great issues, we have the opportunity of conducting a dialogue and letting minds and currents interact, and no matter how heated the dialogue is or how hard the confrontation is, the fruits of it will in all cases be for the good of all humanity.
We hope that this imitative might become the beginning of a new era and better results serving Denmark and its people. Best regards.Signed on behalf of:The Islamic Association, OdenseTabya MosqueThe Islamic Centre of Culture, CopenhagenAs-sunna MosqueIslamic Information and Guidance Centre, OdenseThe Association for Brotherhood and Equality, ÅrhusThe Islamic Society in Scandinavia, CopenhagenThe Association for Arab Culture, ÅrhusThe Association for Arab Culture, VejleSalaam Association, ÅrhusThe Islamic Information Centre, OdenseThe Somali Family Association, ÅrhusAsh-sharqiyyah Assembly, ÅlborgThe Union of Islamic Associations of Immigrants in Denmark (mali karsh?, translator's note)The Islamic Centre of Culture, ÅrhusThe Islamic Council of Denmark, CopenhagenThe Arabic Friendship Association, SkiveThe Association for Solidarity and Upbringing/Education, ÅrhusThe branches of the Association of Minhaj el-Quraan in DenmarkThe Association for Childhood and Youth, ÅlborgThe Association for Culture and Upbringing/Education, Århus
Translator's note: The names of these associations have been translated from Arabic through Danish into English. Consequently, these names may not be accurate. This list should be proofread by an expert on the subject.

Page 21
Second letter: not translated.
Pages 22-24, Other Letters

Page 22

Page 23

Page 24
Page 25, Photocopy from Weekendavisen

Page 25
A satire over Jyllands-Posten's 12 cartoons, from the last (funny) page of the news paper. Detailed descriptions in the following section.
Page 26, clipping from Weekendavisen

Page 26
Artwork of unknown origin in an Art Nouveau style, depicting a hermaphrodite with a mirror, combing his/her hair.
Translation of the Danish text: "'Do you think that you can prove that the prophet wasn't female?' it was asked as ARTYFARTY - the always strongly feminist artist group of the last page editorial board - when they handed in their contribution".
Translation of Arabic handwriting:
Page 27, clippings from Weekendavisen

Page 27
The two pictures are from Weekendavisen, a Danish weekly published by the "Berlingske Officin" also printing the major daily "Berlingske Tidende". It is from the last page of the paper, mostly devoted to humoristic treatment of random subjects and current events.
1st picture: A photo of a white chair.
Translation from Danish caption: "'This is the prophet' goes the short nomination from our furniture designer who wanted to join in."
Translation from Arabic handwriting:
2nd picture: A photo of a Santa Claus face mask, with goggles drawn in.
Danish caption: "Santa Mohammad, 2005"
Translation from Arabic handwriting: "Father Christmas Mohammad, 2005
Page 28, clipping from Weekendavisen

Page 28
Composition VIII by Russian abstract artist Wassily Kandinsky.
Translation from Danish caption: "Bellowing Prophet by a Forest Lake" (a pun on "Bellowing Deer by a Forest Lake", an image associated with very poor taste.)
Translation from Arabic handwriting:
Page 29, clippings from Weekendavisen

Page 29
1st picture: A photo of an artwork of unknown origin in a style reminiscent of Dadaism, depicting half a leg, with formal trousers and shoes on, protruding horizontally from a wall.
Translation from Danish caption: "The foot of the Prophet as he ascended to Heaven"
Translation from Arabic handwriting:
2nd picture: A drawing of unknown origin. A man in formal dress behind a podium.
Translation from Danish caption: "The staff of the back page received this drawing moments before deadline from one of our editors. People say 'The similarity between leading members of the board of editors and the Prophet is simply too obvious to ignore.'"
Translation from Arabic handwriting:
Page 30, clippings from Weekendavisen

Page 30
1st picture: Artwork of unknown origin in a style reminiscent of Cubism. Apparently a portrait.
Translation from Danish caption: "The Prophet as he saw himself"
Translation from Arabic handwriting:
2nd picture: A drawing of unknown origin. Looks like a very young child drew it. Depicts nothing readily identifiable.
Translation from Danish caption: "Mother with prophet", pun on "Mother with child".
Translation from Arabic handwriting:
Page 31, clippings from Weekendavisen

Page 31
Clipping of a image from the same Danish newspaper (anatomical drawing, maybe from Leonardo da Vinci), with Arabic subtitle.
Translation from Danish caption: "'Interior, anno 632'. The back page editors have always brought you the latest news when it comes to gastro-art. The artist states 'I've always been extremely interested in the stomach content of prophets'."
Translation from Arabic caption:
Page 32, clippings from Weekendavisen

Page 32
Clipping of one image from the same Danish newspaper (Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa), with Arabic subtitle. (A very obvious pun on the Da Vinci Code).
Translation from Danish caption: "For centuries, a previously unknown society has known that this is a painting of the Prophet, and guarded this secret. The back page's anonymous artist is doing everything he can to reveal this secret in his contribution. He has since then been forced to go under ground fearing for the wrath of a crazy albino imam."
Translation from Arabic caption:
Page 33, clippings from Weekendavisen

Page 33
Beginning of the article (with the chair image mentioned above), with Arabic subtitle.
Translation from Danish text: "The courage of the back page reaches new heights: the Prophet Muhammad as our very best artists see him. In the Beard of the Prophet. The back page editors have started a competition among this newspaper's own artists' views about the prophet Muhammad. Here are some of the very best contributions. The committee of judges is a group of very prominent people, who prefer to remain anonymous. "We must fight for our values" says the committee in a joint statement. "Freedom of speech" said one of the editors (who preferred to remain anonymous)."
Page 34, Photocopy of picture from French competition

Page 34
"Pig person" picture. Strangely enough, this picture is a copy of a Bob Edme photo of Jacques Marrot, published by the AP as part of a 15 August 2005 article about a French "pig-squealing contest" (Duo hogs top prize in pig-squealing contest)
The original picture did not refer to Mohammed, but in the dossier the caption "Here is the true image of Mohammad" had been added. According to the BBC, this image was misleadingly circulated by Danish Muslims to illustrate the atmosphere of Islamophobia which they lived under (What the Muhammad cartoons portray).
This image was not published by Jyllands-Posten as part of the original "collection" of cartoons. It was published later, when other media had revealed its inclusion in the 43p dossier detailing the position of the imams.[13][14][15]
Translation from Danish text: "Here is the true image of Mohammad"
Translation from Arabic text: "This is the true face/likeness of Mohammad"
Page 35, Photocopy of unclear origin

Page 35
A photo of a man in a praying pose typical for Muslims. A big dog climbs straddles his back.
This image was not published by Jyllands-Posten or other Danish newspapers. Jyllands-Posten has stated that this image is offensive and publication would violate the newspaper's ethical code. [16]
Translation from Danish text: "That's why Muslims pray"
Translation from Arabic text: "That's why Muslims pray"
Page 36, Photocopy of unclear origin

Page 36
A crude drawing of a figure with features of the devil (horns) and Islamic stereotypes (beard / pointy shoes). His genitalia are visible. In his hands he holds little human figures.
This image was not published by Jyllands-Posten or other Danish newspapers. Jyllands-Posten has stated that this image is offensive and publication would violate the newspaper's ethical code. [17]
Translation from Danish text: "The pedophile "Prophet" Mohammed."
Translation from Arabic text: ""
The word pedophile appears to be a reference to the Aisha controversy.
Page 37, Photocopy of a letter from Bjarne Jakobsen to Shaddi Lubbad

Page 37
A letter from a Danish atheist to Shaddi Lubbad.
Translation from Danish text: "If you're a computer specialist, shouldn't you have as much sense that you can see that all that Christianity and religion is A FABRICATION. There was never any GOD or Jesus, Muhammad or Allah, Clumsy Hans and the Empreror's New Clothes [the last two are Danish fairy tales]. IT IS ALL A FAKE. In ancient times it was possible to make people believe this nonsense. That's because they were forced to take part in it. If not, they'd be hunted out of their homes. Convicted as witches or warlocks. Or beheaded in public. Like people do in the Muslim countries where people still live like they did 1,000 years ago. Repressed and denied of the right to think for themselves. And you come here and feel hurt and harassed because of a drawing. Poor little Muslim. [The following paragraph points to a picture of a fat woman in Muslim dress]. I suppose you have one of these as well, 150 kilos with a dark mustache and a voice that can shatter glass? Greetings and good wind. B.J."
Translation from Arabic text: ""
Pages 38-42, Arabic newspaper cuttings

Page 38

Page 39

Page 40

Page 41

Page 42
Arabic translation:
Page 41 : A newspaper clipping from in Arabic Language from 12 December 2005, reprinting one Of Jyllang-Posten's cartoons.
Page 42 : A newspaper clipping from in Arabic Language from 9 December 2005, about the Danish delegation visiting Al-Azhar (Cairo)
Pages 43, Table of contents

Page 43
Arabic translation:
Source for the images: Extra Bladet
Another source for the complete dossier:
The following webpage (which continues to be updated - the cartoons are currently blurred) with higher-quality images has been used to distribute the dossier on Arabic-language blogs, message boards, and IRC chat rooms: also hosts a Powerpoint presentation with much of the same content (uncensored), along with more Arabic commentary; the Powerpoint has been edited as recently as 9 February 2006: Nusrah_2006.ppt.
Danish translations of the introductory letter, and a letter to Islamic ambassadors, and a letter to government ministers. Extra Bladet
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