West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, quiet reminiscent of Manmohan Singh’s, “I did not sleep all last night” sigh upon hearing the news of Dr. Haneef’s arrest in Australia on terror charges, said, upon hearing that the mother of Rizwanur Rehman, who was allegedly murdered for marrying a Hindu girl, was not coming to meet him as scheduled because he has not agreed to a CBI probe, “We were scheduled to meet at my residence on Oct 10. Till Oct 9 I knew she was coming. But then I read in the papers that she does not want to meet me. This is really my misfortune.” To mitigate his misfortune, the next day the Chief Minister instead went to the house of the victim’s mother.
That a victim’s (the police say it was suicide) mother did not come to meet him became a misfortune for the Marxist Chief Minister and he had to make amends for it by going to meet her would of course seem to be a great humanitarian gesture. The secular press have lauded it thus too. But I wonder if the CM has had similar misfortunes before - maybe in the case of some Hindu victim? Unlikely, because Muslims account for 30% of West Bengal’s electorate and the majority Hindu votes are all secularized and nothing to worry about.
That a victim’s (the police say it was suicide) mother did not come to meet him became a misfortune for the Marxist Chief Minister and he had to make amends for it by going to meet her would of course seem to be a great humanitarian gesture. The secular press have lauded it thus too. But I wonder if the CM has had similar misfortunes before - maybe in the case of some Hindu victim? Unlikely, because Muslims account for 30% of West Bengal’s electorate and the majority Hindu votes are all secularized and nothing to worry about.