Monday, November 24, 2008

Like Prophet, like followers!

Talking about the Taliban destruction of the Bamiyan statues, a Muslim commented: There is no culture in a Buddha statue.

To which I commented: How would you see culture in a Buddha statue or any statue for that matter. Mohammad did not see them in the idols he destroyed in Mecca. Like Prophet, like followers!

New interpretations of the Quran

New interpretations of the Quran will emerge in due course to adapt it to the increasing popularity of the ancient Hindu vision of Advaita - the vision that says all existence is one. In fact, Sufism is Advaita expressed by the Muslim mystics of Persia (and maybe Arabia?). Why, Sufism may have even ante-dated Islam. Sufism may well be the future of Islam if the call given by Islam to transcend idol worship reaches its logical conclusion - we cannot have an Allah separate from us. We have to internalize Allah and achieve the Advaita stage, where alone idol worship ends.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Counter terrorism and Hindu nationalists

The concerned agencies of Government of India had initiated a counter terrorism policy about 3 or 4 years back and it was reported in the media. The aim was to duplicate the mindset of Islamic terrorists to preempt their activities. Col. Purohit appears to be involved in this official strategy and co-opted Hindu nationalists, who would have been only too eager to participate in such a project. This much is evident from the reported confessions of Col. Purohit where he states that the same Muslim squad that prepared the bombs for Islamic terrorists were recruited for Malageon II blasts. The protagonists of the so-called Hindu terror network ought to be released and duly honoured for their patriotism.