Monday, August 27, 2007

Advani, lead the way

The left is blackmailing the Congress on purportedly the Nuclear-deal but actually on their Anti-Americanism. While the BJP has consistently maintained that it was not against the nuclear-deal per se but only against some clauses in it, the impression was the BJP was opposing just for the sake of opposing and in the process imperiling our growing friendship with USA. It is well that Advani has now come out to clearly say that all that is required is an amendment in the Indian Atomic Energy Act to ensure that India’s sovereignty is not compromised in the deal. He has also pointed out that while the 123 agreement USA has with China says that the 123 agreement will override all national laws, the 123 agreement with India gives each nation the right to frame its stand to safeguard its national interest.

Advani, the great communicator. May he come on the centre-stage.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

CPI-M hypocrisy

Vis-a-vis opposing the nuclear deal and suporting the UPA government, CPI-M is hunting with the hounds and running with the hare. Their hypocrisy will be seen through. Worse, their mortal fear of the BJP.

Headless Chicken!

The Left Brigade led by the Marxists and the ‘Secular’ brigade led by Lalu Prasad Yadav are against the Nuclear deal with America. The Left is pro-China and their communist blood is unable to bear the thought that India with the help of America would become stronger than a China ruled by communists. Whereas the secular brigade would prefer we settled with a pipeline deal with Iran through Pakistan because that is what the Muslim constituency would want. It is unfortunate that the BJP is keeping company with the Left-Secular-Islamic alliance. BJP should support Manmohan Singh on the nuclear deal with America. Otherwise we would fit the tag of headless chicken as colourfully put by Ronen Sen.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hindus – yes to refugees, no to infiltrators. Muslims – contrary?

India has, for ages, been the refuge of the persecuted. From the Jews after the sack of their temple in Jerusalem, Arab merchants, Parsees from Persia, Syrian Christians, Armenians, Tibetans fleeing the Communist purge, Bangladeshis upon Pakistani genocide to the Sri Lankan Tamils escaping Sinhalese persecution.

Today when Taslima Nasreen has sought refuge in our land, it is in keeping with our tradition to offer her refuge. This would reflect the space we afford for everyone, no matter what their convictions. A space of inviolability produced by the Hindu culture of acceptance.

Hindus by and large welcome her whereas Muslims appear to be against offering her refuge as they have no space for contrarian religious opinion. The irony here is that when it comes to infiltrators, whether from Pakistan or Bangladesh, the Mullahs do not hesitate to provide logistical support to amalgamate them inconspicuously into the population at large while organizations like the Shiv Sena want the infiltrators to be sent back.

Is this difference of approach what it is that makes one a nationalistic and the other an anti-nationalist?

Monday, August 20, 2007

BJP should support Manmohan Singh.

20th August, 2007.

With the BJP having already said they are not per-se against the nuclear deal but only against some clauses in it, they should support Manmohan Singh at least morally on this issue. We cannot have the Leftists and supporters of Islamic Talibanisation (the so-called secular parties) break our growing relationship with USA. The pseudo-secular parties of India are, inter-alia in opposing the deal, pitching for an Indo-Iran alliance! In order to challenge Talibanisation, let the Hindutva forces align with America and Christians world-wide.

Talibanised polity

I do not fear God for the simple reason that God is not someone out there for me. How can I fear my own essence? Marxists are such folks that they would even support Pakistan if Pakistan can help destroy Hindutva forces. And all Indian polity, with the exception of those who have come out of the playing fields of the Shakha, are willing to appease Muslims to such an extend that they would not mind the Muslim polity in India becoming Talibanised. Hard facts, my friend.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

India Talibanised?

By now the Indian masses should have been out on the streets protesting against Islamic intolerance. This is not happening because the Congress and Left, being natural allies and running most of the governments since independence, have been lulling the majority Hindus to be politically correct in appeasing the minorities. If it were not for the RSS and the unmeasured strength and influence of the sanyasis and gurus of India, we would have already become an Islamic satellite nation. The only way to save the integrity of India and the Hindus is to strengthen the RSS and honour our sanyasis and gurus. Otherwise, as Neeraj Agarwal says, the Taliban dream will be realised.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Taslima and M.F. Hussain - Facts vs. Imagination

[This is in response to the blog “Why Muslims hate Taslima Nasreen” by Ansari Mohammed Rehan.]

Unless there is freedom of expression, humans will be stunted. Only through freedom can truth be discovered, lived or re-lived.

To compare Taslima and M.F. Hussain is misplaced. Taslima's was a rebellion against the Islamic society that she felt was oppressing women. She is or was herself a Muslim. Whereas M.F.Hussain was simply giving wings to his imagination when he painted, for example, Sita riding nude on Hanuman's tail. While freedom of expression includes freedom to run riot imaginatively, Hussain has consistently chosen Hindu icons to be colourful with. Why no icons from his own religious world of Islam? Thus I would see M.F. Hussain as a hypocrite whereas Taslima's is a cry of an oppressed womanhood under Islam.

Another point. For example, I might find it questionable that a much married man in his 50s who again marries a 9 year old girl is touted as a model of mankind and may write about it. Would I thereby be charged for character assassination or hurting of religious sentiments? The point is, I would be basing my expression on facts like Taslima and not on imagination like Hussain.

Monday, August 13, 2007

The essence of Islam

[Pursuant to attack on Taslima]
The essence of Islam is not just faith, but its establishment as the chosen religion for mankind. This alone explains its determination to silence opposition. Christianity was in the same league, but Christians, awakened by the forces of secularism and democracy, have by and large reduced the Church's role to just ministering the flock and not as an arbiter of mankind's destiny. Since the Muslims do not have a church but only loose cannon Mullahs, there is a need to sober them to reality. Appeasing them, as secularism in India tends to do, would not sober the Mullahs. Only a zero-tolerance approach to fanaticism would do it. Would India rise to the occasion?

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Taslima and intolerent Islam

[On reading that Taslima was attacked in Hyderabad by Muslims for criticizing Islam.]
Truth does not need to be defended. The greatest truth is that we are God, as expounded in the Advaitic vision. There has never been any history of anyone dying or killing to protect or spread this vision. On the other hand, Islam, which is an idolatrous religion par excellence as it seeks to place Allah on a pedestal never to be questioned but only followed slave-like, would naturally go to war to protect its God. Because unlike Hindu idol worshippers, the Muslims believe their single idol Allah created them (and everything else). The Hindu idol worshipers know they created the idols in order to discover God within themselves. Therefore expect Muslim intolerance and violence in the name of Allah to continue unabated so long as there are people who believe that Islam is a stunted religion.